EITA Training Announcement - Overview of Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Options for Early Childhood

The Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports is pleased to announce the following training opportunity:

Overview of Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Options for Early Childhood

Dates and Times:

●        September 12, 2024:  9:00 to 10:30 AM

●        September 12, 2024:  1:30 to 3:00 PM

Description of the Training

This overview will outline the PTR team-based approach and available strategies for implementation in both classroom and home settings. Additionally, it will provide guidance for participants interested in leading teams through the PTR process and clarify the roles and responsibilities of each team member. This is available for any Early Intervention & Early Childhood educational professional interested in learning more about PTR.

Presenters: Kelly Fisher and Susan Zeiders

Credits: Infant Toddler Training Hours, Act 48 Clock Hours, PQAS if registered via PD Registry       

Target Audience: This session is designed for Infant Toddler Early Intervention staff, Preschool Early Intervention staff, and early childhood educational professionals, family support staff, and family members.

Registration Information:

Register via PaTTAN training calendar for Infant Toddler training hours or Act 48 Clock Hours.

Register via PD Registry for PQAS credits.

For general registration information and questions, please contact: Molly Martz at mmartz@pattan.net

For content related information and questions, please contact: Kelly Fisher at kfisher@pattan.net or 814-450-7880

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